Model Pool Inter­na­tio­nal Model-Manage­ment GmbH

Ober­bil­ker Allee 163
40227 Düs­sel­dorf

Tele­fon: +49 (0)211 / 59 829 024
Fax: +49 (0)211 / 86 55 665


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Model Pool Inter­na­tio­nal Model Manage­ment GmbH was foun­ded in 1978 in Düs­sel­dorf-Ober­kas­sel and is thus the oldest model agen­cy in Ger­ma­ny. For over 35 years, Model Pool has been suc­cess­ful­ly arran­ging pro­fes­sio­nal models for fashion shoo­tings, shows, edi­to­ri­als, adver­ti­sing pro­duc­tions, TV spots and fashion fairs at home and abroad.

As a pioneer of the Ger­man model indus­try, we as a model agen­cy have deca­des of know-how at our dis­po­sal, which gua­ran­tees custo­mers and models a com­pre­hen­si­ve ser­vice.


Our services are:

Our children’s model agen­cy takes a lot of time for the first cas­ting and the per­so­nal inter­view in order to get to know each child as well as pos­si­ble. In this way, we can offer each cli­ent indi­vi­du­al pro­po­sals tailo­red to their pro­ject.

Our claim: we want to be unbea­ta­ble when it comes to the topi­ca­li­ty of sed cards and video links. That’s why our agen­cy has been working for many years with some selec­ted, well-known and suc­cess­ful fashion pho­to­graph­ers, who pho­to­graph the kids for us at regu­lar inter­vals, so that our custo­mers always get up-to-date pho­tos of the child­ren pre­sen­ted.

And some­thing else: even the mea­su­rements are up to date and not out­da­ted! Should the­re be any chan­ges in the mean­ti­me, e.g. tooth loss or chan­ged hairstyle, we are able to deli­ver cur­rent Polas to the custo­mer on the same day.

In a nuts­hell: Not only do we have extre­me­ly attrac­tive and inte­res­ting children’s models, we are also very fle­xi­ble in every respect! This app­lies to working hours as well as custo­mer requi­re­ments. And our suc­cess pro­ves us right.

Our services are:

Our children’s model agen­cy takes a lot of time for the first cas­ting and the per­so­nal inter­view in order to get to know each child as well as pos­si­ble. In this way, we can offer each cli­ent indi­vi­du­al pro­po­sals tailo­red to their pro­ject.

Our claim: we want to be unbea­ta­ble when it comes to the topi­ca­li­ty of sed cards and video links. That’s why our agen­cy has been working for many years with some selec­ted, well-known and suc­cess­ful fashion pho­to­graph­ers, who pho­to­graph the kids for us at regu­lar inter­vals, so that our custo­mers always get up-to-date pho­tos of the child­ren pre­sen­ted.

And some­thing else: even the mea­su­rements are up to date and not out­da­ted! Should the­re be any chan­ges in the mean­ti­me, e.g. tooth loss or chan­ged hairstyle, we are able to deli­ver cur­rent Polas to the custo­mer on the same day.

In a nuts­hell: Not only do we have extre­me­ly attrac­tive and inte­res­ting children’s models, we are also very fle­xi­ble in every respect! This app­lies to working hours as well as custo­mer requi­re­ments. And our suc­cess pro­ves us right.

Broad Portfolio

We keep a selec­ted file (wit­hout age restric­tions, age 0 up to 16 years) with the most dif­fe­rent types. Child­ren, some of whom have spe­cial abi­li­ties or talents and will inspi­re you. In addi­ti­on, we have very attrac­tive twins, as well as many child­ren who are enthu­si­astic about acting. And last but not least: A clo­se coope­ra­ti­on with the district government of Düs­sel­dorf is a mat­ter of cour­se for us.

How to become a child model at Model Pool Kids? We are looking forward to you!

We are here for you.

Our Team

Wri­te to us.


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