Model Pool Inter­na­tio­nal Model-Manage­ment GmbH

Ober­bil­ker Allee 163
40227 Düs­sel­dorf

Tele­fon: +49 (0)211 / 59 829 024
Fax: +49 (0)211 / 86 55 665


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  /  Glossary


The agen­cy is the core of your pro­fes­sio­nal mode­ling job. It is con­tact per­son, orga­ni­zer and care­er plan­ner in one. Our pri­ma­ry task as an agen­cy is to pro­mo­te the models and, as far as pos­si­ble, to pre­sent them to the custo­mer base and thus to arran­ge many jobs. In addi­ti­on, the agen­cy is respon­si­ble for invoi­cing, set­ting fees and tracking pos­si­ble buy­outs.


The book is a collec­tion of the best publi­ca­ti­ons and pho­tos of your jobs or tests, which will be pre­sen­ted to custo­mers (Cas­tings / Go & Sees) for pre­sen­ta­ti­on. This allows the cli­ent to see what you’ve alrea­dy done and how ver­sa­ti­le you are.


Boo­ker work for model agen­ci­es or maga­zi­nes. In the model agen­cy, the boo­ker is the con­tact per­son who estab­lishes the con­nec­tion bet­ween the model and the custo­mer. The boo­kers of an agen­cy are always anxious to estab­lish a per­so­nal con­tact to their models and to let the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on always run smooth­ly.


The buy­out is an addi­tio­nal fee to the agreed dai­ly fee. Buy­out is due whenever your pic­tures, TV spots etc. are to be used lon­ger than usu­al or published in addi­tio­nal coun­tries. The buy­out fee is usual­ly fixed with the order. Should the custo­mer claim the rights again after this time, the agen­cy must be infor­med so that a new buy­out offer can be sub­mit­ted. You can get an over­view of the buy­out fees from the VEL­MA buy­out list.


The cas­ting is a date at which dif­fe­rent models for a job intro­du­ce them­sel­ves to the custo­mer (edi­tor­ships, adver­ti­sing agen­ci­es, pho­to­graph­ers). For many cas­tings, cer­tain types with cer­tain attri­bu­tes are direc­t­ly requested. The agency’s task is to make the pre-selec­tion for the cli­ent. It is important to appe­ar well-groo­med for the cas­ting and in any case to bring along your book and a sed­card, so that the custo­mer knows from which agen­cy the respec­tive model comes.


In the model sce­ne, cat­walk is an expres­si­on for the cat­walk. See also Run­way.


This is how cele­bri­ties are cal­led, the stars in the model sce­ne such as Hei­di Klum, Fran­zis­ka Knup­pe, Gise­le Bünd­chen, Eva Pad­berg or form­er­ly Clau­dia Schif­fer, Nao­mi Cam­bell, Kate Moss, Cin­dy Craw­ford, Chris­tie Tur­ling­ton or Lin­da Evan­ge­lis­ta.


In the indus­try the term for models who are over 30 years old.


Her­e­by the sce­ne desi­gna­tes a face pho­to, in which the cha­rac­ter of the pho­to­gra­phed model is very well rep­re­sen­ted.


Fee for the parent agen­cy of a model who pla­ces this model with a part­ner agen­cy abroad or in ano­t­her city.


Is ano­t­her term for the sed­card. This term is main­ly used in the American/English area.


Young talent com­pe­ti­ti­ons for boys and girls who would like to beco­me models.


Model job for the cover of a maga­zi­ne. Good for the book. Good for the image, less rewar­ding for the wal­let.


Collec­ted and archi­ved mate­ri­al of the agen­ci­es about their models and their publi­ca­ti­ons.


Direct Boo­king means that the custo­mer books the model wit­hout pri­or cas­ting or fit­ting. The only basis for such a boo­king is the Sed­card and the Book. The more mea­ning­ful the book, the hig­her the pro­ba­bi­li­ty of a direct boo­king.


An edi­to­ri­al (edi­to­ri­al record­ings for jour­nals) is gene­ral­ly not so well remu­ne­ra­ted. Howe­ver, the mar­ket value of a model can be enor­mously increa­sed by edi­to­ri­als. Typi­cal edi­to­ri­als are, for examp­le, fashion and beau­ty sec­tions in fashion maga­zi­nes such as Vogue, ELLE, etc.


Lar­ger com­pa­nies often con­clu­de an exclu­si­ve con­tract with one or more models for their adver­ti­sing cam­pai­gns. The advan­ta­ge for the com­pa­ny: the custo­mer iden­ti­fies the brand with a famous per­so­na­li­ty. This gives the custo­mer a high reco­gni­ti­on effect and uses the posi­ti­ve image of the model. The advan­ta­ge for the model: the exclu­si­vi­ty is usual­ly very well paid.


Fit­ting befo­re fashion shows or pho­to shoots to check the actu­al fit of the out­fits. In the rarest cases, they are paid addi­tio­nal­ly and if so, then only with half a day’s fee.


GoSee appoint­ments are made so that you can send the model to the custo­mer to intro­du­ce her, even if you are not direc­t­ly inqui­ring about a job. The custo­mer can then direc­t­ly check whe­ther the model is sui­ta­ble for future pro­jec­ts and take snapshots him­s­elf, which he can store in his archi­ve to use for later direct boo­kings.


Whe­ther you want to have a semi-nude or nude pho­to­graph taken is always dis­cus­sed exten­si­ve­ly with the agen­cy during the inter­view. It is important for the agen­cy to work serious­ly under all cir­cum­s­tan­ces and to dis­cuss topics like this with you. If semi-nude shots are made, the­re is a 50% surch­ar­ge and for full-nude shots a 100% surch­ar­ge on the nor­mal dai­ly fee.


The fee is the pay­ment for a job. It depends on the respec­tive expe­ri­ence and the degree of reco­gni­ti­on of the model. New Faces (begin­ners) the­re­fo­re recei­ve a much lower fee than the pro­fes­sio­nals. It is the­re­fo­re important that the book is fil­led with good pho­tos and is well recei­ved by the custo­mer. Custo­mers often only have a cer­tain bud­get. In this case it is up to the agen­cy to sug­gest sui­ta­ble models.


At pre­sent the­re are more and more so-cal­led Inter­net model agen­ci­es. The­se agen­ci­es are pri­ma­ri­ly con­cer­ned with get­ting paid for the publi­ca­ti­on of pho­tos on the Inter­net. Howe­ver, the­se Inter­net com­pa­nies can­not be com­pa­red with clas­si­cal model agen­ci­es — as they are orga­nis­ed in VEL­MA. Most lar­ge cli­ents still turn to clas­sic agen­ci­es, becau­se they ensu­re tailor-made sup­port.


The clot­hing size is your dress size. The usu­al model sizes for fema­le models are bet­ween 34 and 38, for male models bet­ween 50 and 98. It is important to inform the agen­cy imme­dia­te­ly if some­thing has chan­ged in your clot­hing size. Disci­pli­ne is of cour­se the basis of mode­ling, so we advi­se the models to keep fit and healt­hy, so that the­re are no big fluc­tua­ti­ons in terms of the clot­hing size.


The file con­tains all models of the agen­cy. It con­tains all the data necessa­ry to crea­te a com­ple­te model pro­fi­le. Today, custo­mers can also find all models on an agency’s web­site.


Short term for clas­sic model jobs with one use, e.g. for Otto, BAUR or other adver­ti­sing custo­mers. Cata­lo­gue jobs are in high demand, becau­se the­se pro­duc­tions often take several days and thus bring good money.


The bridge on which the models move to demons­tra­te their fashion. The cat­walk is usual­ly built direc­t­ly into the rows of spec­ta­tors.


Term for the desi­gna­ti­on of the place whe­re the pho­to or film pro­duc­tion takes place.


This is a small cata­lo­gue, fly­er, in which a fashion manu­fac­tu­rer pres­ents vir­tu­al cat­walk sce­nes with his fashion.


The mea­su­rements are important data, which are noted on the Sed­card: Body size, cir­cum­fe­rence of chest, waist, shoe size, eye and hair colour. Even small chan­ges must always be com­mu­ni­ca­ted to the agen­cy so that the­re are no nas­ty sur­pri­ses for the custo­mer during the job.


New Faces is the name given to begin­ners in the model busi­ness, i.e. models that are at the begin­ning of their care­er.


The indus­try uses this term to descri­be models that have a clot­hing size over 40.


Ano­t­her name for the book.


The agen­ci­es recei­ve a sta­tuto­ry com­mis­si­on, which is char­ged to the model for each job arran­ged. This con­sists of an agen­cy com­mis­si­on and a ser­vice com­mis­si­on. The nati­on­wi­de com­mis­si­on rate is 25%. Should you excep­tio­nal­ly want to have your fee ear­lier than the custo­mer has paid, the­re is a surch­ar­ge of 5% on the com­mis­si­on, thus 30% as pre-finan­cing.


Other desi­gna­ti­on for cat­walk or cat­walk.


Scouts search ever­y­whe­re and at any time for new models and often approach them on behalf of an agen­cy. Model scouts also visit for­eign model agen­ci­es. No way is too far for them to dis­co­ver new models.


The Sed­card is the busi­ness card of the model. On this Sed­card all mea­su­rements, a selec­tion of the most beau­ti­ful pic­tures and the data of the agen­cy must be con­tai­ned. In the past the­re were only prin­ted cards, today Sed­cards are also sent elec­tro­ni­cal­ly. The Sed­card was inven­ted by Sebas­ti­an Sed, a for­mer owner of a Bri­tish model agen­cy.


The show­room is the place whe­re models show the new collec­tion of desi­gners, who are not shown on a cat­walk, but to the retailer or buy­er in the non-public area.


The­se are pho­to­gra­phic works wit­hout an order. Test shoo­tings are important for New Faces to take their first steps into the model busi­ness. Wit­hout pro­fes­sio­nal pho­to mate­ri­al models will hard­ly get any orders. The­re­fo­re the tests are ine­vi­ta­ble at the begin­ning. Serious agen­ci­es try to orga­ni­ze them free of char­ge. Models can also gain their first expe­ri­ence in this way. But if a test should cost some­thing, it can be agreed to char­ge it with the first real job. Howe­ver, an agen­cy will only do this if it firm­ly belie­ves in the model’s suc­cess. With the­se free works pho­to­gra­pher, hair&make up, as well as model work free of char­ge and com­ple­ment each other with their work, in order to be able to use in the final effect in each case the deve­lo­ped pic­to­ri­al mate­ri­al for the own Book/Portfolio.


VEL­MA rep­res­ents the inte­rests of model agen­ci­es and the models they rep­re­sent. All lar­ge and important agen­ci­es are orga­nis­ed in this asso­cia­ti­on. Young girls and boys loo­king for an agen­cy should make sure that their agen­cy is a mem­ber of VEL­MA.

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